Nursery School

Tambotie offers a comprehensive and highly experienced nursery school.

Arrival and collection times: The academic program begins strictly at 7:45. You may bring your children between 07:00 and 07:45 and collect them from 12:45 to 13:30 for half day. Full day services collection time is 17:00 to 17:30 at the latest.

Early childhood development managers

Early Childhood Development and Foundational Phase managers

School readiness evaluation

School readiness evaluation

Affordable preschool athletics

Preschool athletics

Crumpets and stories

Crumpets and stories on a cold day

Preschool father, Johannesburg South

Copyright © Tambotie Preparatory School     Reg. No: 2006/010851/08     Email us     011 680 2004
3 Alfred Street, Chrisville, Johannesburg South, South Africa