Cultural School Life

At Tambotie Preparatory School we are a hive of cultural activities.

Pupils are encouraged to participate in the annual Alberton Eisteddfod, in all areas from set poems to sight reading.
Our two choirs participate in the Eisteddfod and events at neighbouring schools.

Speech days are held throughout the year. Our highlight is the inter-school speech evening where we host neighbouring schools for an entertaining evening of discussion.

We take great pride in our annual concerts, which have become so popular that we need to present several performances for the adoring crowds to attend. The concerts are a whole school affair, from the preschool up to Grade Seven. Sometimes the staff give award-winning performances too.

Our chess clubs are well attended. Strategic thinking is the name of this game!

Family Fun Days cannot go unmentioned. We have outings including family hikes, picnics and braais. With many more exciting events lined up, our Tambotie family grows and bonds.

Our outdoor movie nights are filled with popcorn, sweets and lots of bonding under the stars.
Our fun walks and colour runs have been the talk of the town. We love dressing up and having a grand time.

A new favourite is the Inflatable Day where we spend the day hopping from one inflatable to another, while taking small breaks to enjoy the delicious foods on sale.
A variety of charities are supported annually.

Tambotie is the place for families, fun and education.

Preparatory school concert, Johannesburg South
School colour run, Tambotie

Tambotie colour run

School concert, Music in a Capsule
Primary school concert, Johannesburg South
Primary school, Camp Discovery
Grandparents visit Tambotie

Grandparents visit Tambotie

Tambotie teachers having water fun
School concert, Smartie Train
School mom-prom, Tambotie


Primary school tour, Johannesburg South
School children, cycling
School jumping castle
School slipper day
School camp walk

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3 Alfred Street, Chrisville, Johannesburg South, South Africa